Adeept Raspberry Pi Motor HAT Kit, Smart Robot Car Driver Support Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, 3B+/3B/2B


You can use it to build your Raspberry Pi-based smart car or robot.

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Adeept Raspberry Pi Motor HAT Kit, Smart Robot Car Driver Support Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, 3B+/3B/2B

Adeept Motor HAT is a robot/smart car expansion board designed for Raspberry Pi, it is compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, 3B+/3B/2B/B+. Adeept Motor HAT must be used in conjunction with the Raspberry Pi. You can use it to build your Raspberry Pi-based smart car or robot.

Adeept Motor HAT integrates a DC-DC step-down circuit based on GS2678, which can reduce the input voltage to 5V to power the Raspberry Pi; it integrates a DC motor drive circuit based on L298P, which can drive two DC motors; it also integrates a 16-channel PWM servo drive circuit based on PCA9685, which can control 16 servos; Motor HAT also integrates a battery power indicator circuit based on comparator LM324, which indicates the battery power through the status of four LEDs.

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