BoolDrive BD1D50 Integrated Module for Custom FOC ESC Motor Controller


BoolDrive BD1D50 is an integrated module (like an integrated circuit) that enables third-party hardware engineers to design sophisticated custom motor controllers using our cutting-edge motor control technology – Télega. With BoolDrive, a regular hardware engineer without prior experience with motor control applications can design a custom field-oriented control ESC (sine wave drive or vector control) in a few days.

BoolDrive BD1D50 Integrated Module for Custom FOC ESC Motor Controller

BoolDrive BD1D50 “Mitochondrik LV” reduces the time to market and the required engineering expertise for vehicle designers while allowing them to keep manufacturing key components in-house, thus maintaining a high level of vertical integration.


  • Built-in step-down DC-DC converter, MOSFET driver, and the MCU running the Telega motor control software.
  • It is compatible with virtually any PMSM/BLDC motor. Zubax Robotics offers custom manual tuning as an optional service for demanding applications.
  • Supported supply voltages: 4–12 SLiCoO2.
  • Continuous power output of the motor controller up to 7 kW.
  • Supported communication interfaces:
    • Cyphal/CAN bus (supports dual modular redundancy).
    • Standard RC PWM.

There are several permissively licensed open-source designs showcasing how to leverage Mitochondrik LV in a practical application:

  • Komar – a 4..12 S, 2500 W motor controller.
  • Sadulli – a 4..8 S, 500 W integrated drive.
  • Bloxa – a low-power, minimalistic ESC rated for 4–8 S, 200 W.
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