Duckietown Starter Kit – MOOC Founder’s Edition


Starter kit for Duckietown learning experiences, including a Duckiebot – model DIY self-driving car – and a navigation starter kit – components to build a compliant urban environment to navigate.

Duckietown MOOC Founder’s Edition Starter Kit

This starter kit includes all the necessary components for enjoying Duckietown’s learning experiences, particularly its massive open online course, “Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown,” hosted on edX.

This kit contains:

  • 1x Duckiebot Founder’s edition (DB21, with Jetson Nano 4GB, or no board)
  • 1x Duckietown Navigation Starter Pack.

Note: The Jetson Nano 4GB variant is needed for the “Self-driving cars with Duckietown” MOOC, available for free on edX.

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