E-Waste: Regulations, Management Strategies and Current Issues


This book is dedicated to solving the e-waste problem with some feasible solutions. It will provide some assistance for many stakeholders in e-waste areas. According to the obtained results and implications, academic researchers can find the future direction of unsolved subjects, and governments can make more reasonable decisions. (Imprint: Nova)

l Researches in e-waste management and waste management
l Groups in urban mining or circular economy
l Department of environmental science and engineering

Made In: United States (US)

Supplier: Nova Science Publishers SKU: ISBN: 978-1-53610-604-6 Categories: , , Tags: ,

E-Waste: Regulations, Management Strategies, and Current Issues

E-waste management has become the top global issue in terms of environmental protection and resource recycling. Although many attempts have been carried out to address the issue, many problems remain. This book contains seven chapters that not only review the history of e-waste management and summarize the achievement of technology and regulation, but also present some of the latest research in these areas involving e-waste generation, extended producer responsibility, and the recycling process. Finally, the book reveals the way to solve the global e-waste problem from academic research to national practices.

At the research level, the way forward is proposed in three aspects; these include fundamental knowledge, recycling technology, and eco-design. At the practice level, four methods can prospect for different types of countries and/or regions. Regarding most developed nations, EPR has been adopted to ensure the adequate collection of e-waste. With respect to most developing countries, legislation improving and collection channel strengthening will significantly contribute to e-waste recycling. Regarding small countries or regions ratifying the Basel Convention, mobile plants with efficient amounts of equipment can be promising candidates for e-waste recycling. And for some countries with little e-waste production, a feasible solution for e-waste recycling is that related countries can unite to establish some field facilities for synergic management of their e-waste.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Overview of E-Waste and its Management
Xianlai Zeng and Jinhui Li (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)

Chapter 2. Estimate of the Generation of E-Waste in China
Huabo Duan and Jinhui Li (Shenzhen University, China, and others)

Chapter 3. The Generation and Management Status of Waste Office Equipment
Qingbin Song and Zhishi Wang (Macau University of Science and Technology, China)

Chapter 4. The Impact of Technology Innovation on WEEE Management
Bin Lu, Jianxin Yang, Jingru Liu, and Bo Li (Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Chapter 5. Extended Producer Responsibility in Fragmented Value Chain: Governance Challenge to the “Best-Of-Two-Worlds” Model
Tong Xin (Peking University, China)

Chapter 6. Recovery of Metals from E-Waste by Vacuum Metallurgy
Zhenming Xu and Lu Zhan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and others)

Chapter 7. The Way Forward
Xianlai Zeng (Tsinghua University, China)



Click here  to read the book review by – Paul H. Brunner, Professor, Institute for Water Quality, Resources, and Waste Management, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

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