Exergy of Biomass


Hopefully, the content of this book can supply a good guide to the up-to-date research on the exergy of biomass.

Made In: United States (US)

Supplier: Nova Science Publishers SKU: ISBN: 978-1-53617-603-2 Category: Tags: , , ,

Exergy of Biomass

Determination of the exergy of biomass is the first step to evaluate and study the fuel characteristics, transfer processes and utilization systems of biomass from exergy aspect. This book aims to present up-to-date research on the exergy of biomass.

Chapter 1 (Resources and Advantages of Biomass) mainly introduces the definition and classification of biomass as well as the resources and advantages of biomass.

Chapter 2 (Equations for Estimating the Exergy of Biomass) mainly presents the various equations proposed or developed to estimate the exergy of biomass and these include the simple, complicated and developed equations.

Chapter 3 (Analysis of the Exergy of Biomass) mainly defines the basic knowledge for the exergy characteristics (moisture related exergy, ash related exergy, S related exergy, LHV related exergy and total exergy) and distribution (percentages of moisture related exergy, ash related exergy, S related exergy and LHV related exergy) of biomass.

Chapter 4 (Exergy of Woody Biomass) mainly presents the basic properties of woody biomass (i.e., moisture content, ash content, ash compositions, elemental compositions and heating values) as well as the exergy characteristics and distribution of woody biomass. HHV related relationship, LHV related relationship and ash related relationships are also proposed to estimate the exergy of woody biomass.

Chapter 5 (Exergy of Rice Husk) mainly presents the basic properties of rice husk (i.e., moisture content, ash content, ash compositions, elemental compositions and heating values) as well as the exergy characteristics and distribution of rice husk. HHV related relationship and LHV related relationship are then proposed to estimate the exergy of rice husk.

Chapter 6 (Exergy of Rice Straw) mainly presents the basic properties of rice straw (i.e., moisture content, ash content, ash compositions, elemental compositions and heating values) as well as the exergy characteristics and distribution of rice straw. HHV related relationship and LHV related relationship are then proposed to estimate the exergy of rice straw.

Chapter 7 (Exergy of Cereal Straw) mainly presents the basic properties of cereal straw (i.e., moisture content, ash content, ash compositions, elemental compositions, and heating values) as well as the exergy characteristics and distribution of cereal straw. HHV related relationship and LHV related relationship are then proposed to estimate the exergy of cereal straw.

Hopefully, the content of this book can supply a good guide to the up-to-date research on the exergy of biomass.
(Imprint: Nova)

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