
OpenMCU Basic-A Development Board for AVR PIC C8051F 51 ST MSP430 MCUs


OpenMCU Basic-A is a development board designed for the rapid development of embedded applications via using particular MCU cards of
51,C8051F,AVR,PIC,NXP,MSP430,STM32 and STM8.

Made In: China

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OpenMCU Basic-A Development Board for AVR PIC C8051F 51 ST MSP430 MCUs

OpenMCU Basic-A is a development board designed for the rapid development of embedded applications via using particular MCU cards of
51,C8051F,AVR,PIC,NXP,MSP430,STM32 and STM8. The board features all the necessary hardware, such as power supply, common user buttons, joystick, DS18B20 temperature module, ADC input module, RS232 module, step motor drive module,6-digit segment led display module, common user LEDs module, external EEPROM module, DS1302 real-time clock module, LCD1602 display module, LCD12864 display module and three standardized sockets for external expansion modules.

We have designed many MCU Cardboards to equip OpenMCU Basic-A.By now,they are CARD40-51 for 8051 MCUs, CARD40-AVR for Atmega16A/32A, CARD64-AVR for Atmega128A/64A, CARD64-XMEGA for Atxmega128A3U-AU and CARD44-PIC-A for all 44pin 8-bit PIC MCUs,CARD64-MSP430-A for 64pin MSP430 MCUs, CARD100-C8051-A/B for 100pin C8051F MCUs.We are designing more MCU cards to equip OpenMCU Basic-A.

What’s on board

Packing List
openMCU Basic(Comes with the MCU card as the title says),—————————1pcs
Dupont 1P-1P(F) DIY Cable,————————————————————–————8pcs
Dupont 8P-8P(F) DIY Cable,————————————————————–———–3pcs
EEPROM(24C02 by default)————————————————————–————-1pcs

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