Welcome to SchmartBoard! SchmartBoard is the destination for people who want to hand solder surface mount (SMT) components.
Showing all 18 results
Schmartboard Level Shifter Board
$10.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard OpAmp
$18.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard Active Filter
$18.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard RS-232 Module
$15.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard RLC Divider Board
$10.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Qty 10 0.1″ Spacing Dual Row Headers
$8.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Qty 10 0.1″ Spacing Single Row Headers
$5.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
10 of each White, Yellow, Red, Black, and Green 12 ” Female Jumpers Plus 5 Rows of 40 Headers
$30.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard Qty 10 of Green, Red, Orange, Brown and Black 9″ Female Jumpers and 200 Headers
$30.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
10 of Each Green, Brown, Grey, Orange and Purple 7” Female Jumper Wires with 200 Headers
$25.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard Qty 10 of Grey, Purple, Black, Red and Yellow 5″ Female Jumper Wires and 200 Headers
$25.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Schmartboard Qty 10 of Yellow, Blue, Red, Black and White 3″ Female Jumper Wires and 200 Headers
$25.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Qty 50 8″ Blue Daisy Chained Female Jumper Wires
$15.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Qty. 10 12″ Green Female Jumper Wires and 40 Headers
$7.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
QTY. 10 5″ Yellow Female Jumpers and Wires with 40 Headers
$6.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
QTY. 10 7″ Blue Female Jumpers and Wires with 40 Headers
$6.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
QTY. 10 2″ Blue Female Jumpers and Wires with 40 Headers
$6.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
QTY. 10 3″ Red Female Jumpers and Wires with 40 Headers
$6.00 Supplier: Schmartboard
Showing all 18 results