
Become An Influencer

Recommend our products to your Friends, Family, and Colleagues, and get paid when they buy.

How does it work

Recommend our products to your customers, friends, families, and colleagues, and upon their purchase, let us know their full name so we can confirm. Once we validate their purchase, we will reward you with 5% of the total for the product they purchased. Payments will be made after a month of purchase. You need a PayPal account to receive payment from us. Or you can use the credit you earned through your sales to buy a product instead. You can also sign up as an affiliate to track your visits and sales if you choose to share our product links instead. Register here and uncheck Apply to become a vendor?

Please Note: We do not allow our products to be sold on Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Etsy, or any other eCommerce platform. It is strictly against our Influencer and Affiliate Policy. Your influencer and affiliate account will be terminated, and you will not be paid if you do not follow our policy.

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