Your Product Name Should Not Exceed 70 Characters
What’s the problem with a product name over 70 characters?
Search Engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. We know that some of your items have long titles. You can submit titles with up to 150 characters. Still, because Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and many others can only display up to 70 characters on shopping ads, we strongly encourage you to submit titles with 70 or fewer characters whenever possible.
Why should you fix this?
Major Search Engines like Google need to shorten product titles when there is limited space such as mobile devices. It is important to use short titles that contain relevant product information to get an idea of what the advertised product is about and what differentiates it from other products.
How can you fix this?
We recommend putting distinctive product attributes at the beginning of the title for all the reasons above. For example, ‘Nexus 7 tablet in black with 32GB of storage’ becomes ‘Nexus 7 tablet, 32GB, black’. In addition, technical specifications are essential for electronics, whereas brand, color, and fabric are more critical for apparel items. This helps the user understand what this product is, even if the title is truncated.
How can I find out how many characters are in the product title?
Copy and paste the product title into a Microsoft Word document. Then, click the REVIEW tab from the top menu, highlight the title entirely, and click the ABC123 Word Count icon on the top left.
Use rich content for your products.
Ensure you use a good description on your products page and some information on user applications.