
Adeept 24 Module Sensor Kit for Raspberry Pi, DS18b20, with C and Python Code, PDF Guide

Original price was: $64.99.Current price is: $61.99.

A detailed user manual and guidebook (PDF, about 95 Pages) with 23 lessons and two versions of code (Python and C) are provided; it is easy for you to learn Raspberry Pi and programming.

Adeept 24 Module Sensor Kit for Raspberry Pi, DS18b20, with C and Python code, a PDF guide

A detailed user manual and guidebook (PDF, about 95 Pages) with 23 lessons and two versions of code (Python and C) are provided; it is easy for you to learn Raspberry Pi and programming.


  • It is designed by Adeept, with 24 sensors/modules for you to learn Raspberry Pi, electronics, IoT, and programming.
  • A detailed user manual/guidebook(PDF, about 95 Pages) with 23 lessons and two versions of code (Python and C) are provided; it is easy for you to learn Raspberry Pi and programming.
  • Quick-responding technical support for free.
  • Beautiful project box; it is a wonderful gift for children.

Raspberry Pi is NOT included.

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