How to STOP Spam Accounts for WordPress and WooCommerce

If you are not using WooCommerce, go to the WordPress backend > Settings > Scroll to see Membership, uncheck Anyone Can Register, and choose New User Default Role as Subscriber.

Forward all those links below in RED to /wp-login.php/ using the free plugin.

If you use WooCommerce, most fake spam accounts are created from the My Account page. However, you do not need the registration option on that page if you aim only to sell products because customers can also create their accounts on the checkout page. The My Account page can only be used for customers to log in. The My Account link will look like this:

From your WordPress backend, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.

Checkmark: Allow customers to create an account during checkout
Uncheck: Allow customers to create an account on the “My Account” page

This will stop all spam accounts created by spambots or human spammers through the My Account page since the account registration option is no longer available there.

Once you disable My Account page registration, desperate spammers may want to use WordPress default links and pages to register fake spam accounts. To prevent that, you must forward all those links to the My Account page so spammers can land on it regardless of what link they visit. You can do all that forwarding by downloading and installing a free plugin called

Please fully back up your website before installing because plugins may conflict with one another to harm your website. Please note that this article is only informational to help you stop fake spam accounts on your WordPress website, and we take no responsibility. The forwarding free plugin is a third-party plugin and one of the most used plugins; we have no affiliation.

Once the forwarding plugin is installed on your website, forward all the links below in RED to your My Account page, and it will look like this:










DONE. Now, spamBot or spammers cannot create spam accounts automatically or manually.

If you know other links for registration, do the same.