Mini Pupper Quadruped Open-Source Educational AI Robot – Legs Pre-Assembled Kit


Mini Pupper will make robotics easier for schools, homeschool families, enthusiasts, and beyond.

Mini Pupper Quadruped Open-Source Educational AI Robot (Legs Pre-Assembled Kit)

Product Highlights

  • Mini Pupper will make robotics easier for schools, homeschool families, enthusiasts, and beyond.
  • ROS(Robot Operating System): support ROS SLAM& Navigation, Amazon RoboMaker, endorsed by ROS, Amazon.
  • OpenCV: support OpenCV’s official OAK-D-Lite 3D camera module, endorsed by OpenCV.
  • Open-source: DIY and custom what you want, won a HackadayPrize!
  • Pi: it’s super expandable, endorsed by Raspberry Pi.

Package Recommendation

  • Research Kit: For Hacker and Beyond, it does not include a Pi, controller, and SD card compared to the complete kit.

  • Complete Kit: For Hacker and Beyond, it includes all the parts and materials to build and program.

  • Legs pre-assembled Kit: For K12 and Beginner, Pre-assembled legs for quick and easy assembly and evaluation.

  • Pre-assembled Kit: For K12 and Beginner, everything you will need to run and program your Mini Pupper Robot right out of the box. All software is installed, and calibration has been completed.


Lidar module: To explore ROS SLAM Navigation functions based on Lidar, you also need a Lidar module. We can ONLY ensure the Lidar module works well based on our source code, and NOT ensure that you get it from other channels. We fixed some software problems based on our source code, and if you like, we can also share our ROS2 driver for this Lidar. We will supply a user guide to let you use it easily. We tested some Lidar modules, such as PRLidar A1, YDLidar X2L, and LD06. For Mini Pupper, we refer to LD06 as it is smaller.



SLAM-MiniPupper supports SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), and it can map its environment and learn in real-time from things around it using Lidar or a camera sensor.

Navigation: With the map, Mini Pupper can answer, “Where am I? Where am I going?” You can call it self-driving technology.

Camera module: The module is not included in our default package for potential security issues. If you want to explore camera AI functions, you can choose a standard USB camera module; of course, a 3D camera module is better for study. If you try the 3D camera module, we recommend OpenCV’s latest 3D camera module, OAK-D LITE, which comes from OpenCV&Luxonis. We will supply a user guide to let you use it easily.



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