FAQs for Suppliers

FAQs for Suppliers

Can I use a link on my product page?

Website URL, Email Addresses, and Phone Numbers: Please do not add your website URL, email address, phone number, or office address on the product page via links or images. For videos, please use white-label product videos that do not include your website URL in them.

How to enter my product content to Oz Robotics?

How to Copy and Paste your Product Content Correctly

If you are going to copy your product content from your website and paste it into Oz Robotics, then copy and paste it into the TEXT mode first. This way, the backend HTML code with Tags will not be copied to our website. Then click on the VISUAL mode to ensure your product page looks good on Oz Robotics. Finally, you can add product images between paragraphs to make your product stand out. Please do not hesitate to contact us at partners@ozrobotics.com if you need help.

How to define my retail product price on Oz Robotics?

Your Product Retail Price: Your product price and shipping fees must be the same on Oz Robotics as you have on your website. E.g., if a product on your website is $100.00, Oz Robotics should also be $100.00. You cannot add our margin on top of your retail price or shipping fees on our website.

How to make my products Google Search friendly?

Save your product images in English, then upload them to Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., to index and make them available for customers worldwide. Because the majority of customers search for products in English, and so your online visibility will increase if your product images are saved in English, not like here: Labpano-防摔壳one相机分开).51.jpg, which Google will NOT read. It will exclude it as “Disapproved or invalid,” stating  “invalid image [image link]” and “There was an error accessing the image.”

What image format to use for my products?

IMAGE FORMAT: Please do not use images that end with .webp because this image format is not supported on social media or search engines. The supported formats are .png.jpeg, and .gif

How to upload my Files

FILES: Please zip your product-related files, software, and manuals, then upload them to your product page for customers to download upon purchase. It will save time for everyone.

How to add my Shipping Fees?

SHIPPING: Under SETTINGS, choose COUNTRY TABLE RATE or FLAT RATE. Then within each product page, enter shipping fees for each COUNTRY or CONTINENT, and EVERYWHERE ELSE. Enter correct shipping fees to increase your sales and visibility! See how shipping fees affect your sales.

What Can You Sell with Oz Robotics?

With Oz Robotics, you can sell all kinds of hardware, such as; machinery, home and office equipment, robotics, drones, printers, scanners, STEM, AI, virtual reality, hoverboards, bikes, cars, mobile gadgets, innovative furniture, and all other techs and products listed below, but not limited.

  • Land, Air, and Water Products
  • CNC Machines
  • Mobile Gadgets
  • Printers (all kinds)
  • Home and Office Electronics
  • Electrical Equipment, Electronic Kits, and Boards
  • 3D Printed Models
  • Miniature Kits
  • Books (Hardcover, eBook, and Audio)
  • Software, Website Themes, Plugins, Scripts, and Design Assets
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Tech
  • SaaS and Apps
  • Freelancing, Engineering, and Manufacturing Services
  • Sell all other hardware goods and innovations except clothing, pharmaceutical, weaponry, and food products.
No shipping methods found

Troubleshooting Shipping
Vendors must set their address for vendor shipping to work correctly. If vendors have not set their store or shipping address, you will get the “No shipping methods found” message.

Thank you for doing business with Oz Robotics